Some have a scarecrow in their garden...I prefer my garden lady!
Here's where I got the idea. A local farm always has a Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow that they dress differently every summer. Each year, I wait to see how they will be dressed for the new season...
So back in 2014, I decided to make myself a garden Lady!
Jack made me a cross shape with a 2x4 to go in the ground and a thin lightweight board to form a "T" at the top. I made the face out of a styrofoam disc covered with Spanish moss.
I secured the moss with floral wire and left the ends long enough to go around the wood stake. I bought a straw hat for $1.25 and wired on some flowers from my craft stash. Her dress was made from a $2.00 shower curtain from the thrift store.
By the end of summer, the Blue jays had taken string and moss,
The squirrels had eaten her hat and destroyed her dress! lol

The next year this was her ensemble!
She lasted nearly all summer before the deer ate her hat!
The last two years, this has been her outfit. Other than some fading, the hat and dress have survived!!
But I think a bird is building a nest in her face!!!
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