My Garden Lady

Some have a scarecrow in their garden...I prefer my garden lady!
Here's where I got the idea. A local farm always has a Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow that they dress differently every summer. Each year, I wait to see how they will be dressed for the new season...
So back in 2014, I decided to make myself a garden Lady!
Jack made me a cross shape with a 2x4 to go in the ground and a thin lightweight board to form a "T" at the top. I made the face out of a styrofoam disc covered with Spanish moss.

I secured the moss with floral wire and left the ends long enough to go around the wood stake. I bought a straw hat for $1.25 and wired on some flowers from my craft stash. Her dress was made from a $2.00 shower curtain from the thrift store.

By the end of summer, the Blue jays had taken string and moss,

The squirrels had eaten her hat and destroyed her dress! lol
but I wasn't giving up.

The next year this was her ensemble!
She lasted nearly all summer before the deer ate her hat!

The last two years, this has been her outfit. Other than some fading, the hat and dress have survived!!

But I think a bird is building a nest in her face!!!

Here's where I'll be sharing:
 What's for Dinner   Mosaic Monday Busy Monday  Inspire Me Monday  Through my Lens  Pictorial Tuesday Link Up Tasty Tuesday   Bee Inspired  Your whims Wednesday   Wonderful Wednesday Creatively Crafty  Full plate Thursday  Fiesta Friday  Create, Bake, Grow and Gather  Home Matters  Dare to share Sat  Saturday Sparks   Natasha Musing  Wordless Wednesday


  1. I love the dressed up garden ladies but they don't seem to bother the wildlife. LOL

    1. True. I think she draws them into the flowerbed instead of the opposite!

  2. Suzy - I love this idea. So whimsical, and clearly a neighbor that the critters enjoy having around! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  3. Funny garden ladies... thank you for sharing.
    Stay healthy and well.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  4. Hello,

    Love the garden lady. The birds and critters seem to be loving the garden lady too. Very cute. Take care! Have a great new week!

  5. Love your garden lady, such a shame those critters ate her dress and hat though.
    Happy Mosaic Monday

    1. Yes, we live 2 minutes from a county park and the have to come and munch on my garden!

  6. Your garden lady is lovely. Happy Monday. I am at #11 at the linky today

    much love...

    1. Thank you, Gillena...I'll be over to visit!

  7. This was so much fun, and I laughed so hard...the nest in her face. Critters and birds just allow us to live on their land...and would dismantle us in a second if given the chance. Loved this, Sandi

  8. Your garden ladies are amazing! This looks like something out of a magazine! What fun you've had creating these! Everyone loves them...even the critters!

    1. A friend was visiting from Arizona and just caught a glimpse of her and said "Who is the woman in your flowerbed?' LOL

  9. Very cool! Love the creativity.
    Thanks for linking up at

    1. Thank you, NC Sue and thanks for hosting!

  10. I love the idea. My Mother made a lifesized lady many years ago and I named her Aunt Sally and she traveled eith me a lot or was on my front porch. I love all the adventures you garden lady had. LOL

  11. What a lovely idea!

    Your garden ladies are adorable!

  12. Oh my, I love that addition to your garden. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of your lady.

  13. Your post made me laugh. Your garden lady has been through some wear and tear. Such a fun and creative idea.

    1. I have to admit, I did enjoy watching them dismantling her! lol

  14. Oh, I enjoyed this. I especially enjoyed seeing the bluejay and squirrel dismantling Lady #1 although I'm sure you were not happy at all about that. If a bird was really building a nest in the face, this has gone full circle, in a way.

    1. Thanks Alana! I guess both myself and the critters enjoyed her!

  15. Oh Lord Suzy this is a real fun read hahahhaahahahaa

    But I loved the idea of Mrs & Mr Scarecrow.... very novel and then giving them a new look every year. You did a good job at making the garden lady.

    I loved how the birds, squirrels and deer enjoyed the bits & pieces "off" her. The nest bit takes the cake though 😂😂😍😂😂

  16. Got to love those little creatures and how they take over the garden decor no matter what you put out. The squirrels think all of mine are play toys meant for them. Your garden lady is lovely not matter what. Hope you continue to enjoy her. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Thank you, Donna. It is fun to watch them!

  17. Oh how fun!! I'm thinking next year!! Thanks for sharing at Fiesta Friday this week.


    1. Thank you and I hope you will make a garden lady!


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