Lavender Shop and Gardens

Last fall, the Mister and I, took a trip to Virginia. Before spending a few days at the beach, we visited some interesting small towns. One was Harrisonburg, Virginia. It's the home of the White Oak Lavender Shop and Gardens... field after field of wonderfully scented lavender and beautiful color.

They have a gift shop, winery, and interactive gardens.

 They sell EVERYTHING lavender.... beautiful lavender - themed gifts...

lavender wine, lavender ice cream!
  fresh lavender bouquets!

I really enjoyed my afternoon there and if you're in the area, stop by... you won't be disappointed!
Here's where I'll be sharing:
 What's for Dinner   Mosaic Monday Busy Monday  Keep it simple Monday Through my Lens  Tasty Tuesday   Bee Inspired  Your whims Wednesday  Talk of the Town  Wonderful Wednesday Creatively Crafty  Full plate Thursday  Fiesta Friday  Create, Bake, Grow and Gather  Home Matters  Dare to share Sat  Saturday Sparks   Natasha Musing  Happy Tuesday  Wordless Wednesday

Hammering away...

We have a variety of woodpeckers in our wooded back yard...and they are so busy! So busy, that they don't even notice me taking photos of them, or maybe they just don't care!

This guy has drilled so far in that he soon will disappear. I'm guessing he intends to nest here with his significant other. I think he should have picked a bigger tree.

Here's where I'll be sharing:
 What's for Dinner   Mosaic Monday Busy Monday  Keep it simple Monday Through my Lens  Tasty Tuesday   Bee Inspired  Your whims Wednesday  Talk of the Town  Wonderful Wednesday Creatively Crafty  Full plate Thursday  Fiesta Friday  Create, Bake, Grow and Gather  Home Matters  Dare to share Sat  Saturday Sparks   Natasha Musing  Happy Tuesday  Wordless Wednesday