Cupcake goodness....

Dozen Bake Shop has been recognized as Pittsburgh's best bakery. Check out some of these awesome creations…..
Top row:

Maple Bacon -  Real bacon and maple buttercream on a cake spiked with a hint of espresso.

East End Chocolate Stout - Dark chocolate stout cake  topped with irish cream buttercream and chocolate ganache.

Peppermint Twist - Chocolate devils food cake topped with peppermint buttercream.

2nd row:
Pumpkin Maple - Real maple buttercream on delicious pumpkin cupcake.

Almond Dream -Almond buttercream on a vanilla cake, rolled in sliced almonds and dusted with confectioners sugar.

Caramel Spice - Caramel buttercream atop spice cake, topped with gooey caramel.

Row three:
Rocky Road -Pecans, marshmallows and chocolate ganache topping vanilla buttercream on chocolate devils food cake.

Red Velvet - red velvet cake has a hint of chocolate, and is topped with magagascar vanilla bean butter cream.

Black & Gold - Every Sunday during Steelers season, you can get a Black & Gold cupcake - all dressed up for game day.

And I love these elegant cupcake papers from the internet:
Soooo pretty!

I'm linking up to Mosaic Monday over at


  1. ooo, those cupcake papers are pretty!

  2. You can't beat a cupcake. It is the perfect size of yumminess (I'm sure that is not a word....).

  3. Oh, they really look delicious! Pepparminst Twist and Almond Dream for me, please. Have a nice week.

  4. All these cupcakes sounds so yummy and the pictures look delicious. Now I am ready for my dessert

  5. The pumpkin and maple please - and perhaps the caramel for later on.....

  6. Mmmmm, and where do I find this awesome selection of enticing pastries? I'll take one of each! Very "sweet" mosaic, thanks for sharing and I'm grateful you are not passing along the calories!!

  7. It's a good thing I live in the South... this bakery would be my downfall! Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your recipes and posts. ~ Ellen


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