More Pittsburgh Firsts

First Mr. Yuk Sticker - 1971
Mr.Yuk was created at the Poison Center at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh after research indicated that the skull and crossbones previously used to identify poisons had little meaning to children who equate the symbol with pirates and adventure.

First Night World Series Game - 1971
Game 4 of the 1971 World Series was the first night game in World Series history, a series that Pittsburgh went on to win, 4 games to 3.

First Pull - Tab on Cans - 1962
The pull tab was developed by Alcoa and was first used by Iron City Brewery in 1962.
For many years, pull - tabs were only used in this area.


Thought for Today
After thousands of years, we have advanced to the point where we bolt our doors and windows and turn on burglar alarms, while the jungle natives sleep in open - door huts....

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