Here's a flowerbed update.....

Some of you may remember back in May when we decided to try the "newspaper under the mulch " project to help control the weeds.... This is what we were trying to control...
Bamboo!!!!... that has spread from the neighbor's yard to ours. It had pretty much taken over the corner of the backyard where I wanted to make the large flowerbed.
Some of the stalks were 5 feet tall and the diameter of a quarter....I've been told that it's almost impossible to get rid of this stuff! Well, the newspaper seems to have worked at controlling it.
There are a few shoots that pop up here and there, but I'm able to nip those in the bud!!

This was the flowerbed in May...

And this is now! ~ It has filled in nicely......

This is the other bed that Alex and Pappy made for me in June...

And now..filled with huge coleus and a butterfly bush that is taking over!

The flower cones are finally starting to form on the butterfly bush. Soon it will be filled with blooms and draw plenty of butterflies and hummingbirds!! I can't wait....

1 comment:

  1. My yard guy talked me into the newspapers to control weeds this year and it has worked wonders! It has cut my weeding down about 90%. I didn't know bamboo could be so invasive, we don't have that here. Your yard looks lovely!!!
    Happy Birthday to your dear Mom!!xoxox


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