Thank You, Mom....

" Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed "

I'm So blessed to have a christian mother that made serving Christ her priority almost 60 years ago. Over the years, she has been such a godly example to our family, by showing us wisdom and unconditional love. Her faith in Christ has help her endure many struggles in her life, which have only made her stronger. And I am blessed to have her as my mentor and friend !
Thank you , Mom...

  • for raising us on your own.

  • for praying for us when we were sick and you had no money for the doctor.

  • for teaching us good manners and to be considerate to others.

  • for seeing the best in people and always rooting for the underdog.

  • for keeping me fed, even when you went without.

  • for teaching me the Word of God and the importance of prayer.

  • for taking me to Sunday School , even though you had to find a way to get us there.

  • for worrying about me when I stayed out past curfew.

  • for never giving up on me when I made poor choices in my life.

  • for teaching me to be a good housekeeper.

  • for being there for me with hugs and encouragement as I go through trials with my own children.

For instilling values in me that have made me the person I am. For this, I'm eternally grateful.

" Charm is fleeting, beauty is deceptive but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30
" Through the ages no nation has had a better friend than the mother who taught her child to pray " ~ Author Unknown


  1. What a lovely post! Happy Mother's day to you!

  2. Well thank you for the invitation to come for a visit. I enjoyed myself. I saw that your grandson love Junie B. Jones. And so do it. I teach 3rd grade and when I read those stories to my class I laugh so hard I cry. The kids then laugh at me laughing at Junie B.

    I like all the memories and tributes to your mom. We are from a wonderful generation for sure. I hope you have a happy Mother's Day.

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your Mom Suzy! I can certainly relate to most of it even though my father was there too helping and praying us through hard times. Things weren't easy then, kids today don't have a clue what hard times are all about. I'm glad it wasn't always easy for us, I think it made us stronger and made us rely on God more, not just on ourselves.

  4. What a nice post. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. thank you for coming over to my post. Your tribute to your mother is wonderful.

    Your blog is very inviting--I'll be back to look around!

  6. That was a wonderful tribute to your mom.

    Thanks for stopping by site and commenting. I always like new visitors. Please feel free to stop by anytime.

  7. a great tribute! Thanks for popping in at my blog tonight. Have a Marvelous Monday!


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