If you like butterflies...

then ya gotta have a butterfly bush in your garden. I have counted as many as 15 butterflies on a bush at one time !!!

The Hummingbird Moth loves it too. It's amazing how much they look like a hummingbird!

Have a great start to your week!


  1. Oh how beautful!! I'm quite jealous, you know. :o) I've had a few pretty little butterflies around this year on my bushes and plants, but nothing as magnificent as what you have on yours! Maybe some day. Blessings!

  2. I agree that a butterfly bush is a must have! I am always amazed at the number of different butterflies that find their way to mine.

    The hummingbirds are at mine all the time, too.

  3. My neighbor is a "bug" guy and he loves butterflys and has given everyone on the block a vine that attracks them- so we do get the pretty butterfly- but I never saw a hummingbird moth- very interesting, and great job catching one in the photo.


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