Weekly words to live by...

I believe in love and hope,
 in jamming out by yourself
 in the car.
I believe in having someone tell you that you're beautiful...
dancing in the rain and miracles...
 I believe in smiling until
 your cheeks hurt
 and laughing until you cry.

author unknown

Join us over at Tracey's place!


  1. Great quote! I do believe in laughing 'til you cry :-)

  2. I could definitely get behind those things! :)

  3. That is a good day when you laugh until you cry and your checks hurt :)

  4. Love this!!! and the comment about jamming out by yourself in the car...so takes me back to my youth and when I have to courage to do it now...usually with Taylor Swift...I am young all over again and energized....love these quotes!!!!


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