Masters galleries take Tiger to heart

In his wildest dreams, Tiger Woods couldn’t have hoped for a better return.
At the end of an eventful day, even Woods was surprised. 
But as good as his start to the tournament was, the tone of the Woods comeback wasn’t determined by his three birdies or the two eagles, but by the fans.
He was embraced, encouraged and applauded. We saw Thursday that forgiveness is possible; that people are willing to give Tiger Woods a second chance.
“The people, I haven't heard them cheer this loud in all my years here,” he said. “I said thank you all the way. I was saying thank you all day. The people were just incredible, incredible all day.”
And maybe that was the real lesson of Thursday for Woods:
 that redemption isn’t a one-way street.
He has his part to do, too.

(Written by Robert Lusetich for Fox News)

1 comment:

  1. From day one I said that the only people he really owed an apology to were his wife, kids and mom.


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