Jack suprise me with roses for my birthday!
20 roses...that's the way the bouquet came. Why the number 20?
I don't know. I google 20 roses and found this:

Number of Roses:

1 rose - Love at first sight
2 roses - Mutual Feelings
3 roses - I love you!
7 roses - I'm infatuated with You!
9 roses - Together as long as we live!
10 roses - You're Perfect!
11 roses - You're my treasured one!
12 roses - Be my Steady!
13 roses - Forever Friends!
15 roses - I'm really sorry!
20 roses - I'm sincere towards You!
21 roses - I'm committed to You!
36 roses - I'll remember our romantic moments
50 roses - My love is genuine!
99 roses - I'll love You till the day I die...
100 roses - I'm totally devoted to You
101 roses - You're my one and only
108 roses - Will you marry me?
999 roses - My love will last till the end of time...

I would have taken any of those numbers!!

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