Wordless Wednesday......

Queen Mary

1,019 feet long

1,001 Trans Atlantic Crossings

Over 2,000 portholes

First voyage - 1936

For more W.W. visit and join in on the fun !!!!

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  1. I bet it's beautiful inside!! Great shot.

  2. Hotep! This is a great photo. I lived in Los Angeles for a number of years and the Queen Mary was a remarkable sight!

    I was feeling particularly bad about the war in Iraq today. My WW asks for an end to the war.

    peace, Villager

  3. She must be amazing to see! The ship is enormous.

  4. That's one imposing little row boat! I never saw it before this picture. Thanks for educating me.

  5. I thought the boat was part of the hotel, it's not, right? Guess it would be interesting to have a hotel build like a ship.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    Have a great week!

  6. It's absolutely amazing to me how huge those "boats" are! Even back then...

    Great photo!

  7. Wow! Impressive.I think she has sailed to my country(India) too.Name is veryfamiliar.

  8. WOW! Gigantic is one word that comes to mind! Everything else looks so TINY!!!

  9. It's amazing how something that big can float. Nice picture

  10. I now live in Hurricane, but I lived in South Charleston for 30 years. I've been to Buckhannon many times. Nice to meet someone who has lived here.

    Thanks so much for stopping by.

  11. What a cool place to visit! I have a bit of a boat obsession and dream of going on a cruise one day.

    Happy WW!

  12. That's one huge tug boat!!!!

    Been catching up on your posts since I got done jury duty today. I would love to go see all there is at Motown. I loved that kind of music as a teen and still like some of it. Must have been an interesting trip for you.

    Really enjoyed your words of wisdom. Very true all of them. I especially liked the last one about not doing something your mom wouldn't like! ha! Guess we've all done that a few times in our lives! heehee!

  13. wow cool shot.... is that ship haunted

  14. Hi Suzy,
    I just wanted to say hello to a fellow Pennyslvanian (I'm from Southwestern PA)! I found you through Lindy's blog. Nice to meet you!


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