~Show and Tell~

Last Tuesday, Sarah ask if I had time to get together for some "Mom and Daughter" bonding time...maybe we could have a late breakfast and stop at the "Half Price" book store.

Well, she didn't have to ask me twice...I just love that place :)

Especially the back corner in the clearance section. Lots of books for a dollar or two!!


Inspirational and self -help books are my favorites and got an arm load (8) plus 3 Veggie Tales Videos for Alex for a total of $17.00

And speaking of inspirational, Janice over at "Wildflower Cabin" has started a new blog called ~Sunshine Hill~. Stop by and see what it's all about!

For more great "Show and Tell Friday “ click over to Kelli's blog.


  1. I love books and bookstores. What fun.

  2. We have one here also. And we [hubby and I] frequent the establishment about once a week, if not more often. We both love the touch and smell of the books and do find some great bargains.

    Mine this week, isn't much but something I captured in the sky one morning, early this week. And wanted to share with the Show n Tell.

  3. JACKPOT! I've only been to a half-price books once. I spent way too much money on that vacation!

  4. Wow you got quite a buy! I love books too, though I get most of mine from the thrift stores!

  5. Wow! What great finds! Wish I could have gone shopping with you and your daughter! lol

    Suzy, to answer a question you asked me last Friday on my blog, I used to live in Somerset County, PA. Are you familiar with Johnstown, Bedford, or Somerset? I lived about an equal distance from all three of those places...right along Route 30. And you know Shanksville, PA...where Flight 93 went down? My home was only a few miles from there.

  6. What a buy! You'll have fun reading now. I usually have a book or two going all the time. Right now I am on my second one in a row that is kind of dragging but I'm determined to finish it.

    Now I have to go through your past posts as I think you posted a cookie recipe with pineapple in it. If it isn't you I don't know where to look next! ha!

  7. Me again. I found your cookie recipe and made them yesterday. I should have made a double batch as there are only a few left!!! Very good! Thanks for sharing!


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