Heads or Tails....

There's a new meme over at Skittles' place called " Heads or Tails " and I think it might be fun to join in, so here goes...

This week's theme is "luck "

I've never believed in luck and I think that everything happens for a reason. But I have been fortunate in a few ways.

My husband has been in sales for many years, and worked for a company that offered sales clubs according to the amount of product he sold. We won 7 of those trips, for his high sales scores, over 16 years.


San Diego

Boca Raton

Orlando (twice)

Honolulu..... And Maui

These trips were all expenses paid and first class all the way! I wouldn't say we were lucky, but that I have a smart hubby that is very good at what he does for a living!!


  1. I agree that things happen for a reason :) Great post!!

  2. That's a lot of nice trips! If he's still in that business and still winning trips, can you swing by Michigan next time and pick me up? :)

  3. That's great! The only thing my husband ever won at work was a suitcase and an electric shaver. I think I would rather have the trips. lol

  4. Wow! Way to go hubby! He obviously does his job very well. I bet those trips were fabulous!

  5. I'd love to get some trips. You are lucky to have a smart husband who is good at what he does.


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