Ridin' in Style....

Check out this fancy bike for ladies from the Bike Palace...just $549.99
(click for a larger view)
And these very feminine helmets from Nutcase store Usa...$50.00
These cute little bells, all flowered and stuff...$20.00
Even a handle bar camera mount from $39.99!!Posted by Picasa

words for Life's Journey

Living Life...

Life is not about the destination; it’s about how we live all along the way. It’s easy to become so goal oriented and focused on our dreams and the big life events that we overlook the simple things that we should be enjoying. Don’t make the mistake of just living for the destination to where your life goes by in a blur because life is short; we’re here for a moment then we’re gone. Take time to smell the roses. Appreciate the people in your life. Enjoy your spouse and children. As you make the decision to slow down and enjoy the journey, you will experience the fullness of what God has in store. When you come to the end of your life, you’ll have no regrets. You will have made the most of your life and will finish your course with joy.
Start living in the now...

Weekly Words to Live By...

“Because life is a living,
breathing work of art,
you are a painting as you go.
Be a masterpiece. Drink in life.
Laugh too loud.
Compliment others constantly.”
For more words of wisdom... join us here!

Farmers know their stuff.....

Last year, the Farmer's Almanac predicted a cold, snowy winter and boy,we're they right! They said most of the snow would be late in the season, Feb. and March and that's exactly what happened, with over 24 inches here in the northeast.
Here's their forecast for April through October:

April and May will be much warmer and drier than normal—great weather for outdoor activities, but raising concern about summer drought.

Summer will be cooler than normal, with the hottest periods in mid- and late July and early to mid-August. Rainfall will be below normal, with the greatest threat of drought in the east.

September and October will be slightly cooler than normal. Tropical moisture in the first part of September will bring above-normal rainfall.

Looks like a dry summer and a wet Fall...we shall see.

Wordless Wednesday

Get lost, fella...this is MY birdbath!
For more "Wordless Wednesday" here!

odds and ends

I received this little rocking chair as a gift almost 40 years ago. A friend worked for the Continental Can Company and his co-worker made these chairs from new empty cans.

Imagine cutting the sides of a can into strips that measure less than 1/4 inch and then curling them to make this design. The bottom of the can forms the seat and then the back and seat were covered in velvet.

It always amazes me to see just how talented some people are!
Show me some of your treasures.....and have a blessed day!

Weekly words to live by.......

A caring heart,
a listening ear,
a thoughtful word,
a gentle tear,
Will help to lift the heavy load,
of weary souls along life's road.

Author Unknown

Thanks to Tracey over at " Notes from a Cottage Industry "for keeping this meme going. She's an inspiration to all of us !

~ The Boston Shoppes ~

On the way to the chiropractor, I pass a local antique and gift shoppe.
They sell antiques and some new items that are very unique!
Definitely not the same stuff you see everywhere.
Displays are on beautiful furniture that is also for sale.
They have a lovely tea room that seats 10, and can be reserved for lunch.
Even this mantle was for sale!
Enjoy your day......Suzy


Teapots, teacups and old plates
Johnny Jump - ups
Sudden Spring showers
Birds at the birdbath
Old leaning barns
Antique lace doilies
Sunday afternoon naps
Relaxing bubble baths
Happy giggling children
Old romantic movies
Seed packets and gardening gloves
Wooden fences
Unexpected back rubs
Terra cotta pots
Dried flower wreaths
Embroidered handkerchiefs
Vintage glassware
Family stories
Warm sunshine
And most of all, having good friends !!
Hope you enjoy these "Simple Somethings " !

Weekly words to live by...

If we want a love message
to be heard, it has to be sent out.
To keep a lamp burning
we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa
join us over at "a cottage industry" for more words of wisdom!Posted by Picasa

Masters galleries take Tiger to heart

In his wildest dreams, Tiger Woods couldn’t have hoped for a better return.
At the end of an eventful day, even Woods was surprised. 
But as good as his start to the tournament was, the tone of the Woods comeback wasn’t determined by his three birdies or the two eagles, but by the fans.
He was embraced, encouraged and applauded. We saw Thursday that forgiveness is possible; that people are willing to give Tiger Woods a second chance.
“The people, I haven't heard them cheer this loud in all my years here,” he said. “I said thank you all the way. I was saying thank you all day. The people were just incredible, incredible all day.”
And maybe that was the real lesson of Thursday for Woods:
 that redemption isn’t a one-way street.
He has his part to do, too.

(Written by Robert Lusetich for Fox News)

I'm just itchin'...

to get out in my flower beds! This last few days of warm weather has everything sproutin' up quickly.

I am coming, I am coming!
Hark! the honey bee is humming;
See, the lark is soaring high
In the blue and sunny sky,

And the gnats are on the wing
Wheeling round in airy ring.

Listen! New-born lambs are bleating,
And the cawing rooks are meeting
In the elms--a noisy crowd.
All the birds are singing loud,

And the first white butterfly
In the sunshine dances by.
Look around you, look around!
Flowers in all the fields abound,

Every running stream is bright,
All the orchard trees are white,
And each small and waving shoot
Promises sweet autumn fruit.

Posted by Picasa

~ Spinach salad ~

1/4 tsp. salt

 1 clove garlic, crushed
1/3 c. honey
 1 tbsp. lemon juice
 1/3 c. salad oil
 3/4 lb. fresh spinach
1/2 c. red onion
1 (8 oz.) can mandarin oranges
 3/4 c. chopped walnuts

Sprinkle salt in a salad bowl, rub garlic into salt. Add honey, oil and lemon juice. Beat with whisk and refrigerate. When ready to serve, add spinach, walnuts and oranges (that have been drained).
love it, love it, love it !

What were they thinking?

Can I see some ID?

LONDON - Two women were arrested at a British on suspicion of trying to smuggle a dead relative onto a flight bound for Germany, police said on Tuesday.
The 91-year-old deceased man was pushed in a wheelchair through Liverpool's John Lennon airport wearing sunglasses before check-in staff became suspicious on Saturday and he was prevented from boarding the plane.
He was believed to have been driven about 35 miles to the airport by taxi from Oldham, Greater Manchester, police added. "Two women aged 41 and 66 were arrested on suspicion of failing to give notification of death."

The cause of death is not known.

*Article from MSNBC News

Weekly words to live by...

Whether one is twenty, forty, or sixty; whether one has succeeded, failed or just muddled along; whether yesterday was full of sun or storm...
life begins each morning !
Leigh Mitchell Hodges
For more encouraging words
to live by here !

"When Jesus rose from the grave,

 He proved Himself Lord over all creation - because only the One who made all - could overcome death itself. He is alive, and because He is alive, we can trust Him completely and fully.  And all will stand before Him and give an account for what they did with that knowledge!
 Some may try to reject it, others may try to explain it away. But Jesus Christ is alive and He will have the final say when all is said and done.
May we believe this day in this simple truth: Jesus Christ, sinless in all ways, died in our place to pay a penalty that we could not, and He rose again 3 days later.

Holiday side dish...

Crunchy Onion Potato Bake

Potluck potatoes for a crowd!

Topped with crunchy onions and layered with cheese, this dish is ready in just 30 minutes.

Prep Time: 15 min
Total Time: 30 min
Makes: 14 servings (1/2 cup each)

2 1/2 cups milk

1 1/2 cups water

1/4 cup butter

1 box (7.2 oz) Betty Crocker® homestyle creamy butter or roasted garlic mashed potatoes 1 can (15.25 oz) Green Giant® whole kernel corn, drained

1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (4 oz)

1 can (2.8 oz) French-fried onions

Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 13x9-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish with cooking spray. In 3-quart saucepan, heat milk, water and margarine to boiling. Stir in contents of both pouches of potatoes (from potatoes box) just until moistened; let stand 1 minute. Stir with fork until smooth. Stir in corn. 2. Spoon half of potato mixture into dish. Sprinkle with 1/2 each of the cheese and onions. Top with remaining potatoes; sprinkle with remaining cheese and onions. 3. Bake 10 to 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and onions are golden.

High Altitude (3500-6500 ft): Bake 15 to 20 minutes

did not
hold Jesus
 to the cross...
love did.