words for Life's Journey

Living Life...

Life is not about the destination; it’s about how we live all along the way. It’s easy to become so goal oriented and focused on our dreams and the big life events that we overlook the simple things that we should be enjoying. Don’t make the mistake of just living for the destination to where your life goes by in a blur because life is short; we’re here for a moment then we’re gone. Take time to smell the roses. Appreciate the people in your life. Enjoy your spouse and children. As you make the decision to slow down and enjoy the journey, you will experience the fullness of what God has in store. When you come to the end of your life, you’ll have no regrets. You will have made the most of your life and will finish your course with joy.
Start living in the now...


  1. I'm all about appreciating the simpler things in life and appreciating what is before me without looking too far ahead. Thanks for the reminder to keep doing this.

  2. AMEN - - - AND THANK GOD. sam

  3. Amen and is all about the simple things that give us the greatest pleasures and joy in this life. Today is all we have. Thanks for reminding is so easy to become focused on the destination as you said.


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