I'm hangin' with Jesus...

I promise, this is the very last post I'll do about our trip to the falls!

We were at the actual falls, waiting for it to get dark (at night they do a color light show on the water) and four guys walked past with printing on the back of their shirts. It said "I'm hangin' with Jesus." I ask if I could take a photo of their shirts and we started to talk. They were with "Praise Jesus Ministries " in South Carolina and were speaking and performing in some local area churches nearby.

We talked for a while and before they left, they sang for Hubby and I !
They were really good!!!!
Now, I have to show you some shots of the Falls!
See the white specks on the cliff to the left of the falls ? That's people on the American side, We were on the Canadian side, separated by the river. The building in the background with the white sides is a casino.
This is the natural beauty of the falls.
Then there's the commercial side of the city.

This is one BIG souvenir spoon!!! .......Have a great Monday


  1. HI Suzy,
    What a fun trip. I have never been to Niagra, but it looks like something I would love.

    My butterfly bush is not doing well this year. It's very, very small. It never did leaf out on the old wood. I'd say it's about 3.5 feet tall and not ready to bloom for quite some time. It needs to grow another 3 feet to get as tall as it was last year. I can't remember when it bloomed last year. I will have to check out my August blog and see if I recorded it.

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Beautiful pictures, Suzy! It looks like everyone had a fun time...I love the shirts!

  3. Good pictures of the falls. It has been a popular spot for vacations in blogland this year. I've read about several trips there recently. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I would love to see the Falls one day!! Your pictures look absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just love looking at all of your flower pictures!! I'm a flower fantatic myself~ :D

  5. What beautiful pictures of the falls! Quite a difference from the commercial side of things eh? I guess they have to have that too. I love the guys shirts and how nice of them to sing for you, what a treat! I have never been to the falls but want to go some day. Take care. xoxo


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