Flowers blooming everywhere....

While in Niagara Falls, we stopped at the Botanical Gardens. Hubby read the newspaper and took a nap in the car while I enjoyed the never-ending flowerbeds!

There were horse-drawn buggy rides for those who were not up to all the walking.

Along the way, a kitty decided to join me. I guess I looked lonely.......

A sculpture among the rows of greenery.

Look at the size of these hanging flower baskets. These huge baskets were a everywhere you looked! I would like to know their secret to get so many blooms.......

Beautiful setting in the rose garden....

A golf course was near by and so we stopped and had lunch in the restaurant over-looking the greens.

Two massive pieces of battered fish with fries and slaw with a sweet and sour dressing.

I'm used to the mayo-type dressing, but this was a nice change and we really liked it....

This was taken along the Niagara River. People were sitting on the benches eating their lunch, reading a book, or just enjoying the calm and peaceful setting.


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. I agree, those hanging baskets are amazing! There must be a secret to all those continuous blooms!

  2. These pictures are beautiful and that fish fry looks soooo good. I haven't had fish fry in so long.


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