W.W. RECIPES......

WW Breakfast Cookie/Bar

3/4 cup Raisin Bran

3/4 cup Oatmeal

2/3 cup Dry Milk

1/2 cup natural applesauce

1 med banana

1 tsp vanilla

12 tsp cinnamon

Spray a cookie sheet and divide batter in half. Bake at 350 20 min ~ 6pts.

Spray an 8x8 pan , turn the batter into the pan and Bake at 350 for 20-30 min.

Cut into four squares. 3 pts per bar.


Oat Bran Applesauce Muffins
Makes 12 servings
1/2 cup brown sugar packed

1 1/2 cups Oat Bran

1 1/2 cups white flour, all-purpose, unbleached

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 large egg whites

1 cup applesauce, canned chilled

1/4 cup vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Line 12 muffins cup with paper liners or spray cups.

Blend together dry ingredients.

Add eggs, applesauce and vegetable oil.

Mix until well blended. Spoon batter into muffin cups.

Let stand 10 minutes. Bake 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Yield 12 muffins- 3pts per muffin.

PER SERVING: 163.2 Calories, 5.5 g Total Fat, 0.6 g Saturated Fat,

0 mg Cholesterol, 337.0 mg Sodium, 28.2 g Total Carbohydrate,

2.5 g Dietary Fiber, 4.9 g Protein, 49.4 mg Calcium.

Cookie's a Pretty Bird....

Several years ago, we moved to upstate Western New York .... a relocation for Hubby's job.

We got busy getting settled in... and Sarah went off to school and Hubby to his new office and I found myself alone and not knowing a single soul.

We had never had a pet...and maybe this was the time to get one. I've always loved anything with wings, so this is the route we took. I found a breeder in the area that had newly-hatched cockatiels that were being hand-fed. The younger the bird, the easier it is to teach them to talk.

We got a male and called him " Cookie".

Wow...what a fast learner. I could teach him a word a day and a phrase in just a few days.

After a couple weeks, I got a job. I thought that Cookie might be lonely being home all day by himself ....So we brought home another male..."Muffin". They were always caged with their wings clipped, but once in a while I would let them out to explore or play on the bird swingset I bought at a craft show! MidlifeMom would say, isn't that a hoot!

Well, Cookie and Muffin are still with us and are now about 15 and 16 years old and doing well! I don't know how old they are in " bird years but I'd be interested to know.

Kennywood Park.....

Kennywood Park today....2007

Postcard from 1902

Growing up in the Pittsburgh area, the highlight of the school year was the Kennywood Park school picnic. Every year we would look forward to a full day of fun that made going to school all year worthwhile! Here is some info. on this historical park......

Only 11 Remaining Trolley Parks in the U.S.
Trolley companies built most of them to en-courage more riders at night and on weekends, when business tended to be slow. A beach, a picnic area, and a few rides at the end of the trolley line attracted tens of thousands of passengers on a Sunday. Cleveland's Euclid Beach, Pittsburgh's Kennywood Park, and San Francisco's Chutes all started as trolley parks.

There were more than 1,000 of these parks in the United States prior to The Great Depression of 1929. Some were simply a picnic grove with an athletic field and swimming area. Others were full-fledged amusement parks with a variety of rides, games, dance halls and roller skating rinks.

Kennywood is a National Historic Landmark located on a bluff overlooking the Monongahela River just minutes from the downtown Pittsburgh area. The park was founded in 1898 as a trolley park by the Monongahela Street Railway Company.

Surviving the years and continuing to thrive this traditional park is one of America's finest. Kennywood is 40-acres of exciting attractions that include a number of historic rides, including the Jack Rabbit, (built in 1921) and the Racer (built in 1927) wooden coasters; an original tunnel of love dark ride that dates back to 1901; and a historic Carousel located in the carousel pavilion building, that dates back to 1898.
Kennywood uses the slogan " America's finest traditional amusement park." Kennywood now features 31 major rides, including three water rides, five roller coasters and new in 2007 -- Cosmic Chaos, the S.S. Kenny and the Pirates of Kenny Cove high dive show. With 14 child-friendly rides in Kiddieland, two arcades and seven gift shops.

As of March 2006, Kennywood had bought 15 acres and is in the process of acquiring another 28 acres. Its $60 million expansion plan, includes a hotel, an indoor water park, and a new signature thrill ride.
If you're in the Pittsburgh area, this is one place you'll want to visit... and if you've ever been there, let me know!!

~ Wordless Wednesday ~

" If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart."
(Arab proverb)

Simple Pizza Soup

~ Simple Pizza Soup ~

1/2 # cooked spicy sausage

4 tomatoes

carrots, green pepper and onions, chopped

1- 28 oz.can spaghetti sauce

1/2 tea. oregano

1/2 head cabbage, chopped finely

Add any of your favorite pizza topping combinations

Add one can mushrooms last 15 minutes.

Simmer all day. Drop some shredded cheese on top to melt into serving bowl.

Enjoy with some warm homemade bread!


I've been told that a way to feel better is to finish things that I have started.Today I finished 2 bags of potato chips and a chocolate cake. I feel better already!!!! - Unknown


"If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade. However — if life gives you a pickle, you might as well give up, because pickle-ade is disgusting." — Clifton J. Gray.

Have a great day!!!

Let's See, What Will I Wear Today....

Working for Target, I never have the problem that alot of gals have deciding what to wear!
I never run late because I've tried on several outfits and nothing looks right...does this shirt match these pants? this still in style?....does this outfit make me look fat?
No, everyday is the same.
Day after day... Every morning I relive the movie "Groundhog Day". Just grab the next hanger in line, slap it on, and off to work I go!

Best Salad I Ever Had....

Awhile back, Hubby and I had dinner at Mitchell's Fish Market. I ordered the House Salad and it was out of this world! I raved with every mouth - watering bite. If you have a chance...try it... you won't be disappointed!

House Salad

6 oz. Red Leaf Lettuce
6 oz. Iceberg Lettuce
20 Dates
4 Cucumber each, sliced 1/16” thin
6 Cherry Tomato per salad
halved ½ cup Carrots ,julienne
4 tsp. Pine Nuts

Poppy Seed Vinaigrette: 6 oz.
1 ½ tsp. Garlic Puree
½ tsp. Kosher Salt
2 ¾ Tbsp. Sugar
1 ½ Tbsp. Spicy Golden Mustard
1 ½ Tbsp. Sherry Vinegar
½ cup Corn Oil
1/8 tsp. Black Pepper
1 1/8 tsp. Shallots, minced
1 1/8 tsp. Poppy Seeds

Toss all ingredients except pine nuts. Serve on a chilled salad plate.
Arrange the tomatoes around the rim. Garnish with pine nuts.
To prepare dressing combine all ingredients except poppy seeds and oil.
Puree with mixer. Slowly add corn oil. Mix in poppy seeds.
yields 4 servings

More Pittsburgh Firsts

First Retractable Dome ~ September 1961~Pittsburgh's Civic Arena boasts the world's first auditorium with a retractable roof.


First U.S. Radio Station ~November 2, 1920 ~ KDKA Radio, Pittsburgh Pa.


First Banana Split ~ 1904 ~ invented by Dr. David Strickler, a pharmacist, at Strickler's Drug Store in Latrobe, Pa.


Daylight Savings Time ~ March 18, 1919 ~ A Pittsburgh city councilman during the first World War, Robert Garland devised the nation's first daylight savings plan, instituted in 1918.

Works For Me Wednesday....

Works for me Wednesday is hosted by Shannon over at "rocks in my dryer ".
A couple weeks ago, when we were building the flower bed, I somehow got into some poison ivy. EEEK! So I went on the computer to find some home remedies. You won't believe some of these. Right out of Granny Clampett's recipe book!

  • spray starch
  • 7 day deodorant pads
  • onion sprinkled with salt
  • rub with a banana peel
  • vinegar and preparation H
  • clear fingernail polish
  • Vick's Vaporub
  • hair spray
  • mashed potato paste
  • And get this one....a lead fishing sinker tied around your neck !!

Well I had bought some Preparation H ( I had see a woman on Oprah that used it as a face cream to remove wrinkles ) but that's another post.

So I tried it...and it worked!!

The vinegar helped dry up the rash and the Prep. H took away the itch for at least 8 hours!

What a Smart Bird....

A few weeks ago, I took a ride through the large cemetery in our neighborhood. They have lots of statues and flowerbeds that are great for photos. At one end,there is a large pool with a statue of Christ being baptized by John.I got out of the car and went closer for a better look. Near the edge of the pool was a Canadian goose.I took his picture and started around the pool. He immediately got in the pool and swam along side of me.

And then I saw her...

she was sitting up on the wall on a nest... Two days later, I went back with bread, and as I drove up, I noticed that both geese were in the pond.

She had left the nest with what looked like 2 broken eggs and one unbroken.

Well one little guy did make it, and was he ever cute. He was strutting around the pool like he owned the place, stopping to check out every blade of grass that was growing up between the cracks. They eventually all got in the water. I was curious as to how this little guy (only 2 days old ) would be able to get out since the edge of the pool was about 15 inches deep from water to sidewalk. This I had to see.... before long momma and papa got out and baby started swimming to the other side of the pool !

The workers that had been there recently cutting grass were also watching this story unfold, and they had slanted a board on the edge of the pool, making a ramp.

So up he went!...what a clever goose...then ran to catch up with his proud parents!

Thank You, Mom....

" Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed "

I'm So blessed to have a christian mother that made serving Christ her priority almost 60 years ago. Over the years, she has been such a godly example to our family, by showing us wisdom and unconditional love. Her faith in Christ has help her endure many struggles in her life, which have only made her stronger. And I am blessed to have her as my mentor and friend !
Thank you , Mom...

  • for raising us on your own.

  • for praying for us when we were sick and you had no money for the doctor.

  • for teaching us good manners and to be considerate to others.

  • for seeing the best in people and always rooting for the underdog.

  • for keeping me fed, even when you went without.

  • for teaching me the Word of God and the importance of prayer.

  • for taking me to Sunday School , even though you had to find a way to get us there.

  • for worrying about me when I stayed out past curfew.

  • for never giving up on me when I made poor choices in my life.

  • for teaching me to be a good housekeeper.

  • for being there for me with hugs and encouragement as I go through trials with my own children.

For instilling values in me that have made me the person I am. For this, I'm eternally grateful.

" Charm is fleeting, beauty is deceptive but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30
" Through the ages no nation has had a better friend than the mother who taught her child to pray " ~ Author Unknown

Show and tell

Every Friday, Kelli over at ~ There's no Place Like Home ~ hosts " Show and Tell ".
I want to tell you about the ol'e time hardware store that's in our neighborhood. Daniel's has been around for over 50 years and entering the store is like stepping back in time. The two cashiers at the front counter have to be close to seventy. Just tell them what you need and they will let you know if it's there.

There are long narrow aisles with shelves that reach all the way to the ceiling, jam packed with every hardware item imaginable...some that you will never find at the national chain stores.

A pot of coffee is always brewing and fresh popcorn from the machine just inside the doors is only 10 cents a bag!

Previous to being a hardware store, Daniel's was an ice cream store and a post office. I love to see a hometown business that is still thriving after all these years.

It Just Takes One.....


One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One start can guide a ship at sea.
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference
you see it's up to You!

Don't ever forget how important You Are!!

Author Unknown

Hand me the Newspaper please.....

I've read several articles talking about damp newspaper sheets under the mulch to help keep the weeds down. The reason it needs to be damp is so that you won't be chasing it all over the yard if there's a breeze before you get the job done!
One site states that a 2-5 sheet layer has the same weed-blocking ability as 2 inches of mulch.

Newspaper would certainly be alot cheaper and less mulch would be needed on top. Over time the paper will decompose, not like the plastic sheeting that's forever.The newspaper will not only hold moisture itself but acts as an added barrier to moisture loss.

Since we didn't have the mulch down yet, we decided to give the newspaper a try.We covered about a third of the bed with the paper, using 6 inch pieces of metal hangers bent in a v shape to hold the paper in place. Then we spread the mulch over top.
Time will tell if this is a good idea. I'll keep you posted.

Flower bed Scramble.....

Last September, we moved. At the last house I had lots of perennials and there was no way I was leaving those behind. I would have to convince Hubby to take on this extra project with all the added stress of moving. At first he was reluctant... he doesn't understand the importance of a well - established root system and figured next year I could just buy and plant more... what's the problem ?
Well I finally talked him into it.

I had carefully drawn a layout for the new flower bed ahead of time, strategically planning with the tall ones in back, short in front, random colors and timed - blooming to cover Spring through Fall. I would be ready for the next gardening season !!

So we dug, and hauled, and dug some more... making several trips from house to house until finally hubby said " No more, I think that's enough "! At this point I knew if I wanted those plants in the ground, I had better start handing him plants as fast as I could. (So much for well laid plans ! !)

Well this past weekend, the weather was finally nice enough for yard work. And looking at the flower bed, I think about 30 of the 37 plants we moved have survived. The only problem is I can't tell what is where. I guess I'll just have to wait 'til they bloom !!