Has Spring Sprung ?

" Longing For Spring "

Once a day and sometimes more,
I look out my daydream door,
to see if Spring is out there yet,
I'm really anxious, but mustn't fret.

I see the snow is melting down,
and lots of mud and slush around,
I know the grass will surely sprout,
and birds and flowers will come out.

But why, oh why does it take so long?
I'm sure the calendar can't be wrong,
sunshine fills my heart with cheer,
I wish that Spring were really here.

Soon Mother Nature will sound the alarm,
wake up! get dressed turn on your charm,
Winter's gloom has gone it's way,
It's Spring..It's Spring..Oh Happy Day !
Edna T. Helberg


No matter how long the winter, Spring is sure to follow ~ Proverb

Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world ~ Virgil A. Kraft

Spring is nature's way of saying, "let's party " ~ Robin Williams

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