New Blogger, can you help me? :)

Hello! This is my first blog. Although I have enjoyed reading other posts, I've never made any of my own. My daughter helped me create this blog, but I'm not sure how to make myself known to other bloggers,or how to link back.Any advice is welcomed and greatly appreciated!!!


  1. Hi Suzy,
    Thank you for coming by my blog today. I'm glad you enjoyed the teacup post.

    And welcome to our fun, crazy world of blogging. There are a lot of wonderful women that I know you'll enjoy getting acquainted with. The best way I know to get into circulation is to visit other blogs and leave comments, just as you did on mine. People tend to follow up on new commenters. If there's a blog you like to visit, chances are they will have links to other blogs you'd also enjoy.

    Good luck. I'll be back.

  2. Hi Suzy, I am here from Morning glory's blog. Welcome! You will love getting to know us all, and we will enjoy getting to know you too. Just say what you want to say, and be yourself. It is great to make new friends. I will be back too! I also got started with my daughter's help, by the way.

  3. Welcome to cyberspace Suzy, I came here via Morning Glory.

    It's quite fun, I've been at it for just over 1 year. I love it as a means of communicating to my family who lives so far away and as a way to get out my thoughts or to share what I'm experiencing / learning at that particular time, spiritually more than emotionally.

    And at times it will be rough because there are those out there that are just plain mean and don't have anything better to do but don't let them detour you. Stand your ground and keep posting!!

    Good luck and we'll be seeing ya...

  4. Hi Suzy,
    I saw the link to your site on Morning Glory's site. I wanted to welcome you to the world of blogging and hope that you make lots of new friends. I'm a Susie and a grandma too. Please stop by, and say "hi" anytime! I love new visitors and making new friends!!

  5. Hi there. GUESS where I came from? LOL! Yup, your new cyberpal, MG. So I just stopped by to say WELCOME to blogland. I loved your pretty slideshow too.


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