1. Congratulations on your new blog! I know you will have so much fun with it! I love the slide show of flowers....very pretty!

  2. Hi, Suzy!
    Thanks for visiting my blog ~Bessie's Simple Days. I love your slide show! Are these pics you've taken? Looks like you have a good start on your blog!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Suzy, whenever I discover a new-to-me blog, I like to find the very first post. Looks like you've been blogging a year longer than I have! I noticed another post for this month about Pittsburg and was reminded that I had a stop at the Pittsburg airport years ago and was very impressed. (I've also been very impressed by the Indianapolis airport!)

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. yes,I can't believe that I've been blabbing here for ten years! I have met so many wonderful people over the years...this blogosphere is one big group of friends. Pittsburgh is my home and there is so much here to do and see. Come back and visit someday.


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