Flower Power

I don't know about you but I've had my fill of this lockdown. Even though I have plenty of hobbies to keep me busy, the monotony of every day repeating itself is driving me crazy. I feel like I'm trapped in the "Groundhog Day" movie! So I'm going to think good thoughts about Summer and my flower beds and how much I enjoy tending them.
Here's some shots from previous years...

I hope you enjoyed your visit!

Here's where I'll be sharing:
 What's for Dinner   Mosaic Monday Busy Monday  Inspire Me Monday  Through my Lens  Pictorial Tuesday Link Up Tasty Tuesday   Bee Inspired  Your whims Wednesday   Wonderful Wednesday Creatively Crafty  Full plate Thursday  Fiesta Friday  Create, Bake, Grow and Gather  Home Matters  Dare to share Sat  Saturday Sparks   Natasha Musing  Wordless Wednesday


  1. Wonderful photos!! I love the pictures of the zinnias! One of my favorite flower! Have a grand week!

  2. That's a good analogy with the movie "Groundhog Day." Things that happened yesterday seem like they were weeks, months ago. Things that happened weeks and months ago seem like yesterday. It has been so disorienting. - Margy

    1. I agree. Our anniversary was 4 weeks ago and now it seems like weeks since we were out to dinner to celebrate!

  3. Suzy - I hear you! Looking forward (as I wrote in my post this week) is a healthy strategy for coping with this situation. Hang in there, and thanks for sharing your garden beauty and your struggle with everyone at Mosaic Monday. We all need to know that we are not alone!

    1. That's right, Angie! We are all in the same boat!♥

  4. Yes, understanding well. Feeling the same.

    Stay healthy.

    Happy MosaicMonday the way I'm not longer at Wordpress, here is actually my Blog

  5. I think we all have a case of cabin fever by now. I'm glad I can get out and keeps me sane and in a better mood! lol Love your flowers! They brighten our days! Take care!

    1. Thanks for the positive comment! Now I'll be over to visit you.♥

  6. Beautiful flowers! Thanks so much for sharing at Stay safe and well~!

    1. And thank you for hosting.I meet wonderful people from all over the world on your blog!

  7. Replies
    1. I think change might be coming here. My husband's company called everyone back to work today!

  8. I used to ask my husband every morning what he had planned for the day, then this virus took over and his work stopped. Now we just find things to keep us busy. I'm with you, I'm tired of it. Lovely flowers.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

    1. Thanks, Dawn. I constantly ask my husband "What day is this?" lol

  9. Suzy, Be grateful you have a yard and flower beds to tend which allow you outside with out being concerned with others social distancing. Where I live trying to stay away from people outside is difficult. I was out for walks at sunrise Saturday and Sunday and met very few people. Love it. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

    1. I walk in my rural neighborhood with a neighbor and we walk on opposite sides of the street.(social distancing)lol

  10. I know what you mean. It's making me crazy too though I am a homebody! I feel like I am caught in a time warp.

  11. Your flowers are gorgeous. I like all your oranges. I seem to be going that way this year without trying, choosing orange sunflowers and marigolds. It'll be nice to offset all the pinks and reds of the roses and geraniums. Take care.

    1. Thank you. Sounds like your flower garden will be delightful!

  12. The beautiful flowers have just brightened my day. Locked in the house because of the lockdown, life seems quite drabby. These have just cheered me now.

  13. I hear you on this one, Suzy! If it is any consolation, let me assure you are not alone in this! I feel exactly the same.

    It isn't easy to go on, in lockdown mode for weeks, but we'll survive this, and will come out wiser!
    Lets hang in there, and keep sharing our thoughts in the meantime.
    Stay safe and take care.

  14. These are some beautiful flowers! Mine are starting to sleep for winter here in New Zealand so your are lovely to see :)

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  15. Thanks for adding a lovely splash of colour to my world on a grey, colourless day. I think we all could do with the solace beautiful flowers bring.

    1. Thank you, Pauline! We've had rain and gloom all week.

  16. Enjoy your time in the garden. Its relaxing and exudes positive energy. Those are lovely flowers to look forward to :)

    Time heals everything and this shall pass too and soon. So stay safe, stay happy!

    1. Thank you, Monika, for your positive comment!!

  17. Oh, I hear you! I am ready to get back to my old mundane life. Every day looks the same now.
    Lovely blooms you got there, Suzy. Fantastic captures.

  18. Thanks for taking part at 'My Corner of the World' this week! It's good to see you.

  19. Suzy, absolutely wonderful to see you on #WordlessWednesday after a long sabbatical.

    Flowers are my favourites and these ones from your garden add radiance to my day. Thank you so much.

    Our new #WW linky is live too. Hop in?

  20. I've stayed busy too but it does seem like there are things I need to do....or want to do out there in the big world around me! Take care and enjoy your weekend!

    1. Here in Western Pennsylvania, today was the first day we are no longer on house arrest lol The Mister and I went about an hour away to a state park and got some fresh air and enjoyed the day!Maybe I'll do a post about it!


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