Hammering away...

We have a variety of woodpeckers in our wooded back yard...and they are so busy! So busy, that they don't even notice me taking photos of them, or maybe they just don't care!

This guy has drilled so far in that he soon will disappear. I'm guessing he intends to nest here with his significant other. I think he should have picked a bigger tree.

Here's where I'll be sharing:
 What's for Dinner   Mosaic Monday Busy Monday  Keep it simple Monday Through my Lens  Tasty Tuesday   Bee Inspired  Your whims Wednesday  Talk of the Town  Wonderful Wednesday Creatively Crafty  Full plate Thursday  Fiesta Friday  Create, Bake, Grow and Gather  Home Matters  Dare to share Sat  Saturday Sparks   Natasha Musing  Happy Tuesday  Wordless Wednesday


  1. Suzy - woodpeckers are some of my favorite birds! I was sad to see that two of our old, very tall dead aspens had fallen in a recent windstorm. They were prime habitat for Flickers and other woodpeckers - they have to look for new homes! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. Thank you, Angie, for your comment and for hosting Mosaic Monday!

  2. I have yet to see a woodpecker in action. Thanks for the look-see. :-)

    1. Oh he will hammer for a long,long time and then rest for a few minutes and then begin again. This goes on all day. At least he's far enough away from the house that I don't hear it unless I'm outside.♥

  3. Always amazing to see the hardworking and entertaining woodpeckers. Great shots!

  4. I would love to see a woodpecker in action!!!
    Sharing this woodpecker song I grew up on

    "He's up each morning bright and early
    To wake up all the neighborhood
    To bring to every boy and girlie
    His happy serenade on wood
    Hear him pickin' out a melody
    Peck, peck, peckin' at the same old tree
    He's as happy as a bumblebee
    All day long
    To serenade your lady
    Just find a tree that's shady
    And when you hear that
    Tick-a tick tick tick-a tick tick
    Tick-a tick tick sing right along
    Come on and try his rhythm
    And let your hearts beat with 'im
    Just listen to that
    Tick-a tick tick tick-a tick tick"

    1. Thank you, Veronica! I loved your woodpecker song, I've never heard it before.Thanks again for sharing!

  5. Hello, I love seeing all the woodpeckers. It would be nice to see the nesting activity. Enjoy your day!

  6. Beautiful woodpeckers. We have a large variety in our yard. Great photos.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


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