Change of Plans

Detroit, Michigan

A few summers ago, we had planned a vacation at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The night before we were to leave, a hurricane was coming up the east coast and would create downpours for the next week.... bummer!
So my husband and I were trying to decide where we would spend our vacation.
 He said "let's see, what state haven't we been to?" and we decided on Michigan.

 So the next morning, bright and early, we were on our way! It just happened that Detroit was having their annual Blues and Jazz Festival that week. Main streets in the city were blocked off and there were stages set up randomly with jazz and blues singers from all over the country performing all day for free. There was every food vendor you could think of and a free concert at night. This was one of our best vacations!
Sometimes not having a plan turns out to be the best.

Weekend Snapshots * Wordless Wednesday * Image-in-ing * Photo Friday *


  1. Hi from #PhotoFriday :) I'm so sorry your trip to the beach was cancelled. I walked down that same path in Michigan the last time I visited! Sometimes the last-minute trips are the best ones.

    1. I really enjoyed our trip to Michigan!I love going where I've never been before.

  2. Isn't it great to be flexible enough to change destinations and have fun rather than glowering at the hurricane?
    Thanks for linking up at

    1. yes, that's true. We've become very flexible in our old age!

  3. Love the picture with the huge buildings and the little boy !

    1. Thanks Gattina. That's one of my favorite shots I've taken!


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