Celoron, N.Y. is the hometown of the "First Lady of Comedy"...Lucille Ball.
It's a small town near Jamestown, N.Y. We visited there this past spring and the whole town is dedicated to her. 

 They are Lucy crazy!!

Huge photo billboards all over town,

a Lucy- Desi Museum, (that was great) 

 Desilu Studios that was part of the tour,

One of the displays was a magazine advertisement saying in the 50's you could buy a bedroom suite just like the one  Lucy and Desi had on the show!

Every year there is a Lucille Ball Comedy Festival.

These huge murals were on parking garages.

This is Lucy's childhood home. It was open for tours for many years but now is a private residence. The video below was made by the present owners:

In the video, notice the unusual painting of the garage doors, 
painted like the dress we all remember! 

The town park has a statue that was donated by a local family. A few years ago, there was a lot of talk about how the town wanted it removed because they thought it didn't look like Lucy, but it's still there!

If you ever get the chance, it's worth the visit!

Here's where I'll be sharing:

 Amaze Me Monday * Mix it up Monday * Make it Pretty Monday * Cooking and Crafting with J and J *  Busy Monday * Keep it simple Monday * You're gonna love it Tuesday * Tasty Tuesday * Delicious Dishes * Inspire me Tuesday * Talk of the Town  * Waste not Wednesday *  Thrifty and Vintage Finds *Moonlight and Mason Jars Before and After Wednesday * the Alder Collective * You Link it, We Make it * What's Cookin' Wednesday  * Create it Thursday *  Creatively crafty *  Full plate Thursday * Throwback Thursday * The Handmade Hangout The Pin Junkie * Anything blue Friday * Sweet Inspirations  Friday Finds * Foodie Friday *  Photo Friday * Friday Features * Party Palooza * Floral Friday Fotos  *  What To Do Weekends * Peace, love Link up Fridays *  Saturday Sparks *  Five star Frou Frou *  Best of the Weekend *  Happiness is Homemade  * Sundays at Home  * Sunday Crafters-noon *  Nifty Thrifty Sunday *


  1. I Loved Lucy. Every so often I will catch a show on TV. The show still makes me laugh.

  2. What a fun trip!! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  3. This is where I live! They just removed "Ugly Lucy" from the park (she will have a home in the new comedy center that is being built) and are unveiling a more flattering statue the first part of August. I am glad you enjoyed your visit to Jamestown NY!

  4. This is where I live! They just removed "Ugly Lucy" from the park (she will have a home in the new comedy center that is being built) and are unveiling a more flattering statue the first part of August. I am glad you enjoyed your visit to Jamestown NY!

    1. Loved the area!! And thank you for the statue update!

  5. I've pinned this to my Out and About in the US board...I hope to visit someday. Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty :)

  6. Oh my...she was such a hoot!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  7. How cool is this!! I loved seeing it all, and of course, I love Lucy! Who doesn't!! Thanks for bringing this by Throwback Thursday!


  8. How cool, I love great graphics. Thanks for sharing with #CCBG

  9. I love the I Love Lucy show! Lucy was such a great lady and wonderful comedian! How neat that her hometown dedicated their town to her.

    1. It was a lovely little town and a great museum!!

  10. I grew up watching Lucy! I loved reading this post and dreaming of going there one day!

    This post will be featured on the next Peace, Love, Linkup! Thanks for sharing and be sure to grab a button! Hope to see you tomorrow at 6 for the next party! : )

    1. Thank you Ashleigh for featuring my Lucy post!


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