Easy - Peasy Banana Cake

Easy - Peasy Banana Cake

1 yellow cake mix
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup mashed bananas
1/2 cup chopped nuts
That's it!

Mix cake as directed (except add the baking soda before adding the liquid.)
and use 1/4 LESS water than called for in the box directions. Add the bananas and nuts. Bake in a 13 x 9 pan as directed on cake mix box.
 Easy peasy I say!

Here's where I'll be sharing:

 Amaze Me Monday * Mix it up Monday * Make it Pretty Monday * Cooking and Crafting with J and J *  Busy Monday * Keep it simple Monday * You're gonna love it Tuesday * Tasty Tuesday * Delicious Dishes * Inspire me Tuesday * Talk of the Town  * Thrifty and Vintage Finds *Moonlight and Mason Jars Before and After Wednesday *the Alder Collective * You Link it, We Make it * What's Cookin' Wednesday Wordless Wednesday * Create it Thursday * Creatively crafty *  Full plate Thursday * Throwback Thursday * The Handmade Hangout The Pin Junkie * Anything blue Friday * Friday Finds * Photo Friday * Friday Features * Party Palooza* Floral Friday Fotos  * What To Do Weekends * Peace, love Link up Fridays *  Saturday Sparks * Best of the Weekend *  Happiness is Homemade  * Sundays at Home  * Nifty Thrifty Sunday *


  1. Lekker! Good recipe. I will try to make it!

  2. Wow, that is easy!!! I love me some banana cake!! Thanks for joining us at Throwback Thursday!!


  3. Your Easy Peasy Banana Cake looks delicious! Hope you have a very special Fathers Day Weekend and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. Thank you Miz Helen and a good weekend to you!

  5. Quick and easy, my favorite ingredients! Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg. Hope to see you again. :)

  6. I bet this would work as a muffin too. I would add chocolate chips too. Thanks for sharing your post with us at Creatively Crafty #CCBG

  7. I'm sure it would work as a muffin, good thinking!

  8. Thank you for joining our Delicious Dishes Recipe Party this week. Hope to see you again tomorrow!

    1. I'll be there and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. Doctor'd cake mix cakes are my favorite! I can't wait to give this a try - my son recently went on a banana strike after insisting on bananas at every meal. Needless to say we have a few rapidly ripening bananas laying around! Thanks so much for linking up with us at You Link It We Make It. We hope to see you again! - Kim @

  10. Try it, I think your son would like it!


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