Happy Birthday, Pittsburgh!!

Yesterday marked the 200th birthday of Pittsburgh, PA. and there has been so many changes in those years. Once called "Hell with the lid off " because of the heavy smoke hanging over the city from steel mills and industry, Pittsburgh is now clean and progressive. Our city has plenty to offer...from history to art:

 Andy Warhol Museum
 Carnegie Museum of Art
 Carnegie Museum of Natural History
 Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh
 Carnegie Science Center
 Fort Pitt Museum
Frick Art & Historical Center
 Frick’s Car & Carriage Museum
 Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh History Center
 Soldiers & Sailors Museum
                        Beautiful architecture:
                                   Pittsburgh Plate Glass Building

State of the art Stadiums:
Heinz Field
P.N.C. Park

Inclines to take you to an awesome view!

Even an amusement park...

                                 Kennywood Park

If you've never visited Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, put it on your bucket list!
I'm linking up to "Make it Pretty Monday"
                           "Motivate Me Monday"
check it out!

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