Change of season....

County park
Golf course

Lake Erie in the Fall

Too friendly...

Came home yesterday and spotted this guy on our trash can.
He was interesting, but kinda creepy.
I wanted to get closer so that I could see his features
and I really thought that might scare him off...

But he was just as interested in me and
 proceeded to climbed up onto my camera,
showing me way too much detail... lol!

Sorry buddy, we can be friends but that's it. ☺

I'll be joining in over at "Little Red House" for Mosaic Monday. Come on over......

Mosaic Monday - A simplier life

No worried about gas prices or under age driving...

And I love the clothesline on a pulley between the houses!

Antiques, handmade furniture, shoo fly pie.....

A welcome sight away from the hussle-bussle of the city.

I'll be joining in over at "Little Red House" for Mosaic Monday. Come on over......