Dinner plate....

~ Dinner plate Hibiscus ~
Literally, these blooms ARE the size of dinner plates!...and so easy to grow. I've got to get a few more of these for the flower garden. They are said to preform best in HOT, DRY summers so this is the year!  

I'll be joining in over at "Little Red House" for Mosaic Monday. Come on over......


  1. awesome story! keep working this neat stuff
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  2. Suzy,

    Your hibiscus are lovely. I have seen some of the dinner plate ones here and am amazed every time at how huge and lovely they are. Hmmm. Maybe something else to put into my garden.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  3. Susie, I may need to think about adding these next year, especially if this heat and drought is a trend planning to hang around for awhile. Have a wonderful weekend. Bonnie

  4. Ohh! Wish I had the sun to grow them, they are gorgeous! Lucky you! BTW, your header is BEAUTIFUL!!

  5. Wow! I have never seen that kind before! They are so pretty! And they look delicate!

    Happy Monday!


  6. Gorgeous these are so lovely. My neighbor across the lane has some of these large Hibiscus too~

  7. Wow, those are huge! They probably wouldn't like the un-forgiving winds we have here on the farm! I hope you and your lovely blog will accept the Liebster Award! I've listed you along with 4 other great bloggers! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful simple things and stopping by Sall's Country Life with comments! Have a great day, and stop by for details on the award.


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