Bring on the blooms.....

    With all the rain we've been having, it's hard to find a Saturday to clean the
 flowerbeds out. Being scheduled to work every other weekend adds to the problem. I could see plants sprouting up everywhere and plenty of  blooms through the dead leaves that laid there all winter. They make a great covering to protect the plants from the cold,  but extra work in the spring...Yuck.

The primroses are lovin' all the rain!

 I was determined to get out there yesterday even if it rained. It turned out to be sunny and about 60*.

Jack and I worked together and accomplished a lot:
  1. grass cut
  2. Flowerbeds raked and weeded
  3. wood edging stained
  4. bird feeder cleaned out
  5. Hillside cleared of wild bamboo... ggrrr...I hate bamboo.
Then a bubble bath...dinner and a movie at home... A fulfilling day!

See more inspiring snapshots this Mosaic Monday over at "Little Red House".


  1. Suzy this is so pretty . It spring here in my Part of Canada. We have planted anything yet as we still have frost at night. I do have spring fever and have been out as much as I can be.
    Lovely flowers.

  2. Suzy I love your header. Very nice.

  3. Suzy, I'm glad Saturday was a fulfilling Day!!! I agree! Love you! Jack


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