~ Mosaic Monday ~

A balmy 70 degrees on Friday and then snow on Sunday.....

Even the birds are feelin' confused !! Come on Mother Nature, cut us a break and listen to the groundhog.
Join us over at "Little Red House" for more entries this Mosaic Monday!


  1. Really beautiful! Sorry for the addtl snow!

  2. Confused or not, the birds are beautiful, as are your photos and mosaic.

  3. Suzy I send you warm rays from the Arizona desert a place I call home for the winter months.
    Your company perched outside a pleasant view!
    Hang in there Spring is coming and then I return home to my own garden!

  4. We're snowed in under a foot of new snow! I so agree with your comment!! Love the mosaic!

  5. Beautiful mosaic Suzy...I wonder about all the poor birds who flew South this year with the horrible winter weather down there. I hope they make it back to Michigan.

  6. I'd love to see some little redbirds in the trees here - but they just don't come around these parts. Very pretty!


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