~ Mosaic Monday ~

~ It takes years to build up trust,
 and only seconds to destroy it. ~

When I came across this quote, it spoke volumes to me...but quickly I remembered another...
" Everything happens for a reason ". 
One of my favorites.
Join us over at " Little Red House " for more Mosaic Monday.


  1. Lovely pictures! I am interested in the teapot. Are those holes encircling the design? Lovely!

  2. Lovely mosaic! Yes, I too believe everything happens for a reason.

  3. Lovely mosaic, I have to think about your words. Have a good week!

  4. Lovely mosaic and a lovely sentiment. So very true. A good word for the day. I'm a new follower and I look forward to reading more. Happy Mosaic Monday!
    God bless,
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  5. I had to enlarge your mosaic to its largest format; I wanted to see what books were in that bundle!
    Looks as if you were in a contemplative mood when you did this collage; it's lovely, and the quote is so true. Trust is hard won, and fragile indeed.

    Best wishes!

  6. Very pretty photos for Mosaic Monday! I am a little slow getting by to everyone but I am working on it :)


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