Mosaic Monday

Grandson Alex knew that he really wanted to play an instrument in the school band...but which one?  Well, I think it took very little convincing once the teacher said that he was the only one that could blow hard enough to get a sound out of the ...slide trombone. On Thanksgiving we were entertained with " Hot Cross Buns" and "Merrily we roll along".  He was excited to hear that his great - grandfather also played the trombone... in a marching band.

Join in over at "Little red house" for mosaic monday.


  1. Super cute! My brother played the trombone. I think it take character :-)

  2. What fun to be serenaded by your grandson...I am looking forward to hearing my grandaughter play her horn (not sure which one). :)

  3. Can't you just hear "100 and 1 Trombones", from "The Music Man". I'll be humming it all night now:)

  4. Super cute! Hope he sticks with it, I love a good brass band. I played the French horn myself! Keep rolling along Alex!!


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