What I like about Fall....

Indian corn and raffia
simmering homemade soup
plump orange pumpkins
wood-burning fireplaces
tattered scarecrows
bonfires and hayrides
homemade crusty bread
warm spiced cider

baskets of apples
a bountiful harvest
geese heading south
crisp fall days

piles of raked leaves
squirrels gathering acorns
canning jars of vegetables
warm bulky sweaters
And…vibrant autumn colors !!

Tell me what inspires you when the leaves turn...


  1. Oh love these pictures....I really like the scarecrow and those beautiful pumpkins and gourds.

    I just finished making pumpkin bread for neighbors...something I enjoy doing at the beginning of this season before the rush of the holidays and since we don't celebrate Halloween it is my way of giving to my neighbors another way.

    Have a wonderful fall day...we are still in the high 80's

  2. All of the above!! I only wish the days were longer to enjoy more of it.

  3. Hi Suzy,
    I love all the same things -- although I do not have a wood burning fireplace (or any fireplace). But I do love the notion of having one!

  4. I love that crisp cool air that has a hint of nature folding up the summer colors to go inside for the winter...
    Gorgeous photos!!!

  5. Oh how wonderful, all my favorite things about fall. Great post. Take care and enjoy the weekend.

  6. I loved your blog. All the warm colors of fall , the maples leaves each turning, the grain in the fieilds stating to ripen and the whole country I live in turns to shades of warm color.Dapple light on the sunflowrs and I could go on and on and on. I Love fall. Autumn is my fav. Winter is on my door step now with the rains coming and cooler temps way up here in Canada..
    I wrote you a blog.
    and thanks for your visit to my blog and following.
    Much Love

  7. You have fickr also. Im adding you but havent done anything there for sometime.
    Thanks Suzy.

  8. Yes Suzy, all of the above, and your beautiful post has inspired me to enjoy yet another fall day! Nice Photos!!!!


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