Mosaic Monday

A collection of beautiful pictures from
this Victoria Magazine book:

{ The Romance of Hats }

I think that hat wearing is a lost art.

 I would have loved to live in the time period of beautiful hats!

I'll be joining in over at
"Little Red House"
for Mosaic Monday. Come on over......


  1. Oh Suzy, I love hats!! I too would have loved to lived during a time when hats were what all the women were wearing! I bought several back when Princess Diana came on the scene but I never felt completely comfortable as there were not a whole lot of gals wearing them so I felt like I stood out to much as being odd! Definitely feminine and sweet touch to an outfit!

  2. Delightful! I love hats, but haven't found one that I really like on me!!!! Love the flowing dresses and the fountain pen. Should have known Victoria would be celebrating hats!

  3. Oh yes, hat wear is definitely a lost art. But, not for me, as I love to weat hats. Perfect mosaic.

  4. I also love this collage! Thanks for sharing a little bit of beauty to start my day.

  5. I agree....I love hats and wear them as often as I can. (I think there are two kinds of people in the world: "hat people" and those who think they can't wear them.) My summer hat purchase was a big floppy one that looked like it belonged at a Southern barbecue and I wore it at every available opportunity. Church, WalMart....wherever!

  6. I love to dress up in hats on occasion. Makes you feel so elegant.

  7. Your mosaic is so romantic and beautiful!!! I'm not a hat person but I do love them on others...

  8. Love your blog! Consider me a new follower...the hat's got me immediately. Too bad it's too windy here in South Dakota to wear them most of the time!!

  9. Beautiful idea for a mosaic! The sepia tone is perfect. There is something so romantic and bygone-era feeling about hats.

  10. I love hats myself..I look terrible in them because I have a tiny head but I for some reason doodle them a lot in my art journals.

  11. They are beautiful, aren't they? I can remember my mother wearing hats occasionally... I loved to play with them. :)

  12. Love those sepia tones. Have a wonderful week!

  13. I enjoyed strolling through your site I will be back.


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