*{ Garden junk }*

I just love finding some old worn out junk to give a second life to in the flower bed!

An old chair...a mirror with a worn frame...last year I put two old stained-glass windows in the flower bed. 
I 've carted those windows around from state to state, through nine moves.

Here's some examples I've found:

Well-worn garden tools fastened together into a teepee for climbing plants. How about this gate?

A large terra-cotta saucer atop a tomato cage serving double-duty as a birdbath and trellis for climbing vines.

This old wire garden fence moves up in life. By fastening it to the porch soffit, the fence serves both as a trellis for climbers and as architectural interest on an older home.
 This old drawer attached to a bed footboard becomes an adorable "window box" planter with very little work or money.
I love how the owner used old plates to make an edging for the flower bed!

all photos - BHG

Tell me about " your garden junk " !!


  1. Love the ideas...been trying some of this in my little yard. I spray painted everything that stood still the beginning of summer in sure brightened up the small yard!

  2. Love that garden gate!

    I once bought a small wicker dresser and painted it, then planted the drawers. It only lasted a couple of years, but it was fun while it lasted.


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