Breakfast idea...

I have a bad  habit of getting sidetracked when I get up in the morning and I don't eat breakfast. Before I know it, lunchtime rolls around and then I overeat and feel like crap (pardon my French) when I get to work for afternoon shift.

Well, I can across this recipe in Everyday food magazine...

Let me take you back for a minute.

  Remember when you were in Jr. high Home Ec. class and your first cooking project was making "Toad - in - the - hole " ? ( that title sounds real appetizing to a kid, I can see the eye rolling now).  This is a variation on the recipe. Instead of fried bread slices, sweet bell pepper is used to hold the egg. Then It's served on multi-grain toast. I tried it this morning and it was good. I liked the flavor of the red pepper with the egg. I didn't have any multi-grain bread, so I used an english muffin.

2 teaspoons of olive oil
1 bell pepper ( any color cut into 1/2 inch rings)
4 large eggs
salt and pepper
2 teaspoons parmesan cheese
4 slices multi-grain bread
8 cups mixed salad greens

Add oil to skillet over medium heat. Add bell pepper, then crack one egg into each pepper ring. Season with salt and pepper. and cook until whites are mostly set and yokes are still runny, 2 or 3 minutes. Gently flip and cook 1 minute more for over easy. sprinkle with cheese and place each egg on a slice of toast.

Serves four - {189 CALORIES}
Optional :
Toss salad greens with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and serve alongside eggs.

Let me know if you give it a try!


  1. That looks like a wonderful breakfast! I would like it even more for a light dinner.

  2. I love that idea! It's like a simplified omelet. I really enjoy your photography on the blog too.

    I saw your comment on Janette's Sage 7th grade memories and clicked over.

    I'm actually the founding editor of Mommy's Piggy TALES the project she is participating in. If you find recording your memories fun and rewarding please consider joining the 2nd session starting October 7.

    This link explains the project.

    Blessing to you and I'm looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!


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