~ Weekly words to live by ~

“You can gain more friends by being yourself than you can by putting up a front. You can gain more friends by building people up than you can by tearing them down. And you can gain more friends by taking a few minutes from each day to do something kind for someone, whether it be a friend or a complete stranger. What a difference one person can make!”

—Sasha Azevedo
Share your own "Weekly Words to Live By" over at Tracey's blog.


  1. Oh, I really like this quote! I am forwarding it to my kids!

  2. Thanx for your lovely comment on our blog! I also like what you do on yours...


  3. Hi Suzy, I have been enjoying catching up on your blog..I love your dreaming blog...and can see that as one of my new dreams.Your today's quote is so true...especially about being yourself. I hope to be back to my blogging in a couple of weeks. I miss it, but I am thankful I took the time off. July has been a crazy month.

  4. I totally agree... my advice... just make sure they are true friends as the wisdom of being myself backfired. But my "true" true friends are still with me.

  5. Hello! I just joined the "Weekly Words" and I am trying to visit others' blogs to see THEIR weekly words. Yours is so true - it's nice to do something good for another person! And I DO try to be myself, sometimes though, the only people who like me are my old friends who know me best! LOL!


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