~ Adoring autumn ~

Here's just a few of the many photos that I've taken recently....
(just click for a larger view)

"October's poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter."- Nova Bair

"The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly
changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools."- Henry Beston, Northern Farm

"When the bold branches Bid farewell to rainbow leaves -Welcome wool sweaters."
- B. Cybrill

Enjoy !


  1. Thanks for visiting me today and for the compliment!
    Love all the fall pretty thay are.

  2. Hey buddy!! Love the pictures. The colors are so radiant. God sure knows how to decorate our world.

    I want to sincerely thank you for recently posting comment on my old blog, Apron of the Month Club. Your words of faith and encouragement are very special to me especially with our sudden relocation news and increased stress.

    The company I work for is relocating my job to a new city by January 1st. I also co-own an online boutique with my sister Jessica, and we have decided to professionally seek solo creative directions. So, I am opening up a new online boutique and new blog. I look forward to God opening new doors. My kids and are excited about new adventures.

    Please know that I read each and every comment you post. They are my inspiration and confirmation of God’s love. Please add me to your list of blogs that you follow.

    God Bless You!


Thank you for your comment!