Here's the buzzzzzz.....

Gosh...I really haven't been posting lately, have I?
I've had so much going on in my personal life that's been keeping me busy. God has answered a few long-standing prayers and for that I'm so grateful.
Now I can relax and get back to the things I enjoy, posting for one.

It makes me smile when you stop by and let me know what you think. Although a couple of my local friends, I won't name names, say they visit "Suzy's Bloomers " all the time, but never leave a comment...hummm...

Well, back to what's been goin' on.
Yesterday I took my C.N.A. (Certified Nursing Assistant ) test in Pittsburgh. I had been waiting for over 9 weeks for my appointment letter to take the test. It's a two-part test, written and skills.There are 24 different skills, some have over 25 steps that need to be done in sequence.You only need to do 5 of those skills for the test but you don't know which 5 they are until the proctor hands you a sheet with the list and says..
"Here are your five skills, you may begin now ".
Well anyone that knows me very well can get just imagine how I was stressin' about that time !!!

But with lots of prayer from family and friends, I passed both the written and the skills.
Now life can get back to normal, whatever that is !
Hope you having a great day.


  1. Oh yeah....congratulations from a R.N. It's a great profession. What field will you be working?

  2. Suzy,
    congratulations! I can imagine how stressful it was. I bet you are so thrilled to have it over with.

  3. CONGRATULAIONS MISS SUZY! What a great career to be part of. You can make such a difference in so many peoples lives when they need that extra kind touch. Good job! Stop by and see my kitchen, I finally got it done, finally!


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