~ Historic Roscoe Village ~

Our next stop was Roscoe Village, a restored canal town in Coshocton,Ohio
Roscoe Village prospered as a port on the Ohio and Erie Canal. Canal boats traveled through Roscoe carrying goods to Ohio settlers and transporting furs and food to northern and southern ports. What stands today as the Old Warehouse Restaurant (above ) was the center of commerce as goods were unloaded, stored or sold through the mill store.
There are shops from the past where you can see trades of the 1800’s, a one-room school house, museum, restaurants and beautifully landscaped gardens. At nearby Lake Park, you can take a forty-five minute ride down the canal in a boat pulled by draft horses.
They have festivals all year long like the Wine, Arts and Garden Festival in September and the Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival in October !
Cochocton, Ohio is located in East Central Ohio near Amish country.
After a stroll through town and lots of photos, we decided to have dinner at the " Warehouse ". When we were seated, the hostess ask if we would like to sit outside on the patio under the trees. It was a warm, summer evening with a nice breeze, so we agreed.  There was a band taking song requests  from the 60's, 70's and 80's. We really enjoyed the dinner and entertainment that night as everyone joined in singing the oldies!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it would be a really fun place to visit and spend some time looking around. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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