~ Bloomin' Tuesday ~

What's blooming ???
Pretty pink portulaca...

Orange and gold blanket flower...

Hens and chickens...

Cream-colored hollyhocks...

Butterfly weed...

To view other "Bloomin' Tuesday"entries...
click the link list over at ~Ms Green Thumb Jeans~
And enjoy summer while you can!


  1. Hello Suzy your flowers are gorgeous for Blooming Tuesday!
    Love, Ann

  2. I love that photo of the Hens and Chicks, as well as the blanket flower. Is the Butterfly Weed really considered a weed, or is that just the name?

  3. Your photos this week are so beautiful. I love all the different colors. Portulaca are one of my favorites, but I haven't been able to grow it very successfully in Colorado -- must just not have quite the right place for it here. The picture of your Hens and Chicks is sooo pretty -- love the deep green color and the hollyhocks are dreamy! What a great post! (Love your blog header too!)

  4. Great Bloomin' Tuesday post Suzy! I love the Portulaca & the Hen's & Chicks. Great pictures.

  5. Love your post Portulaca is in my garden also. It is so pretty. i will post mine next week.
    Happy gardening.

  6. Your blooms are just lovely! My favorite is the Hens and chickens- they are so unique!

  7. Great shots. Love all of the different colors.

  8. Suzy, What lovely colors in your garden! The hollyhock is beautiful and I love the blanket flowers color! Wonderful photos this week! Jean

  9. I especially love the Orange and gold blanket flower. The Hens and Chicks are a favorite of mine. I looked at the recipe and I'm going to try it for our next Family Sunday.



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