~ Wordless Wednesday ~

Can anyone tell me what this is?

For more W.W. here!


  1. YOu got me...are rodents supposed to be fast like that because that critter looks like he is flying!!

  2. Not sure...a mole? I just rescued a mole out of my pool this morning! ewwww Kinda looks the same.

    Happy WW!

  3. Cool shot. I think it might be a ground hog, but I think the tail is a bit funny.

  4. Gopher? Groundhog? He's really moving!

  5. A gopher? Dunno.

    My W W is shared. I'd love to have your company today.

  6. Is that a Beaver? The tale looks like it might swim.. LOL

  7. I have no idea, but it looks as though it is moving fast!

  8. fast gopher? LOL he is on a mission........

    Our gophers are a much lighter color. You must be a quick draw to get that shot!

  9. I've never seen a gopher of beaver in this area...I thought it may be a grounghog but I've only seen brown ones, this was black.

  10. My first thought was a porcuipine, but I think it could be an otter.

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Am going through a period where I don't have much to say, that and I'm annoyed with Wordless Wednesday. I can't post until one in the morning and that is way past my bedtime. Everyone that seems to look at my postings does so in the wee hours, so by the time I put something up at eight or nine in the morning everyone has been on and moved on. So, what's the point?

  11. I've never seen anything like that. I think groundhogs are brown and chipmunks look more like a little squirrel. Let us know if you find out.

  12. Looks like a flying beaver, except the colouring is off. Is it a bunny with a LONG tail? Whatever it is, it's off like a shot.
    This is a really good one.

  13. My guess is that someone in the area had an exotic black guinea pig, and it escaped. I cannot tell from the photo - how big is it? Small like a mouse, or more the size of a squirrel, or even as big as a rabbit? If it is small like a mouse, it might be a vole.

    Tink *~*~*
    My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

  14. It was the size of a large house cat, but was NOT a CAT!Someone said maybe a porcupine and I'm leaning that way...the fur looks kinda ruffled, so it may be quills.

  15. Big rat running fast...See you in my blog leaving a comment..Thanks.


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