~ Bloomin' Tuesday ~

There's so much to choose from this week...
Yellow roses~

Blue delphiniums that are over six feet tall....

And always plenty of marigolds to add color where perennials are not blooming yet!

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  1. Your brilliant blooms are right up my alley! The delphinium is stunning--but I still like the Gazania in your header the best. I did some research but have not yet fouud one like it. Maybe someday...

  2. Oh my these are all so BIG and georgeous and colorful!!! WOW!!
    Have a wonderful week!!

  3. These colors are so beautiful -- so vibrant and rich! I'm not a huge fan of marigolds, generally speaking, but that photo is one of my all time favorites!!! Really beautiful!

  4. Beautiful blooms! Love the yellow rose. I can't seem to grow delphiniums. I've tried a few times. 6 feet tall ones. Unbelievable! Jean

  5. Love the yellow rose the color is such a soft color.

  6. I'm with's hard for me to grow delphiniums, and I have no idea why! I had no idea they could be that tall! I loved your pictures.

  7. The marigolds are so pretty. I love that flower but mine aren't doing very good this year! I love the new header! No baby yet! Friday if he doesn't come this week!


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