~ Bloomin' Tuesday ~

Rain, rain go poor "bloomers” are lying on the ground because it’s been raining everyday!

Day lilies
in greek means "beautiful for a day" because each bloom only lasts for one day. They are really starting to fill out.
Lamium, or more commonly called "dead nettle" is one of my favorites because it stays low to the ground. It's no more than about 6 inches high with variegated green and silver leaves.
Coleus have such colorful foliage in shades of green, pink and reds. But the one thing they don't like is too much water!
To view other "Bloomin' Tuesday"entries,
click the link list over at ~ ms Green Thumb Jean's!


  1. What a beautiful garden. I wish I had time to do more. Mostly, I stick to the easy stuff:

  2. Wow - What beautiful photos! Love the close shots. Really beautiful.

  3. Great photos of beautiful flowers. Also, you always have the best header photos!

  4. Your garden is lovely. I love all the blooms and the bunny statue at the end is darling. Thank you for sharing your blooms

  5. Your blooms are wonderful. My Dead Nettle blooms pink, but I also love the purple. You have a great garden. Hugs, RoseMarie

  6. Great photos! We've had lots of rain too. Love the day lily! Mine haven't started yet maybe once we get some sun! Jean

  7. Beautiful! I too wish the rain would go away for awhile...and take the mosquitoes with it!

  8. Great flowers. I really love your sign did you make it?

  9. I hope the rain lets up but the flowers really look pretty in the photos.

  10. Coleus are one of my favorites. Pretty without much effort. Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!

  11. Your bloomers are always so pretty! Mine are a bit slow this summer due to all the rain and cloudy weather we have had. I think someone put the wrong tags in my Wave Petunias as they aren't spreading like they should be they are standing right up straight! Never had that happen before!


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