~ Photo hunt ~

This week's theme is: SKINNY

This photo was taken in 1969 when I was 21, and my first son was about a year old. Those were some skinny arms! I weighed all of 80 pounds (soakin' wet)
For more photo fun here!


  1. I agree, you were skinny for being a new mama. My mom was the same way! Not me,however.

  2. Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,..... remember that song? You sure were skinny at 90 pounds! Have a good weekend.

  3. Your son looks really cute.. makes me wanna pinch his cheeks! :) Happy PH! It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

  4. 80 lbs, wow, that is skinny. I guess having a baby is a good fat reducer. :)

  5. what a beautiful picture!! you look willowy, not skinny, and so loving toward your child.. i love the shot!

  6. I don't know for whose standards you are skinny on this picture, I find that you look very nice and slim !

  7. gorgeous photo, thanks for sharing.

    Mine is up at 2Cents Worth and
    . Hope you can all visit me too. Happy Photo Hunting.

  8. Wow look how skinny you were.
    Great one for this week.
    Happy hunting!

  9. That is such a great photo! I dream of being thin again but I doubt it will ever happen. I just don't have the will power any more and knowing that I will just gain it back again in a few months is rather discouraging. I'm a REAL woman though, a good strong Maine woman! lol!!

  10. 80 pound. Wow... I was about 8 yrs old at this weight, I believe ;-)
    Great picture!
    Have a great week!


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