This Christmas...

Mend a quarrel,
Seek out a forgotten friend,
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust,
Write a letter,
Give a soft answer,
Encourage youth,
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.

Keep a promise, forgo a grudge,
Forgive an enemy,
Try to understand.

Examine your demands on others,
Think first of someone else.
be kind… be gentle,
Laugh a little more.

Express your gratitude,
Welcome a stranger,
Gladden the heart of a child,
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth,
Speak your love then speak it again.

Christmas is a celebration, and there is no celebration that compares with the realization of the true meaning of Christmas...with the sudden stirring of the heart that has extended itself unselfishly in the things that matter most.
Howard W. Hunter

" God bless us ... everyone"


  1. Lovely post! Also enjoyed the post before that about the cookies and where they originated from. They all look yummy! I haven't started my cooking yet because I would eat it all before Christmas even gets here!!

  2. this is beautiful -did you write it ?
    I will bookmark this - priceless !


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