~ Odds and Ends ~

I wanted to show you my "Snow babies" knock-offs before I pack them away. I bought them for $5.00 each at Michael Arts and Crafts one year and I like the way the faces are painted much better than the real ones!

If you like beautiful scenery photos, check out Kathleen Connally's site ~
"A walk through Durham Township" I would love to be able to take pictures like those.
Another great site is Elizabeth, "The Computer Lady". She's a computer wiz !
You can sign up for her newsletter, which has been a great help to me this past year. She explains it in everyday language that even a "newbie" can understand, and all this great advice is free!


  1. Oh Suzy, your little snow babies are adorable! You shoud not yet put them away!

    Have a great week-end and a happy & healthy New Year!

    Best wishes, Anita

  2. YOur snow babies are sooo sweet! I love their little faces!


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