I'm just curious...

In your neck of the woods, do you have a particular food that you prepare for New Years' day?

Here in Southwestern Pennsylvania, it's tradition to serve pork and sauerkraut! We've always done that for as long as I can remember. Eating sauerkraut on the New Year is supposed to bring you good luck in the coming year. Since I don't believe in luck, be it good or bad, I make it because I like it!

 I would like you to leave a short comment and tell me what will be on your New years Day menu!


  1. Just visiting :) Came over from Veronica's blog (Of Mice and Ramen). I grew up until I was 7 years old in Farrell, Pennsylvania; born in Sharon. My mom always made pork chops and sauerkraut on New Year's Day. She put lima beans in the sauerkraut to make it more appealing to her taste. When we moved to California, she continued the theme. She's passed on 13 years ago. Now hubby and me make whatever we want for New Year's Eve and day; we're in Phoenix, Arizona now.


    1. Hi Betty! I'm glad you stopped by.I really do think the saurkraut on New Years is a pA. thing. Happy New Year!

  2. pork/sauerkraut is an ohio thing, too. i made mine a little earlier this year, for a christmas buffet at a cousin's house, because that part of the family doesn't get together for new year's. another cousin makes it for NYE, and my brother makes it for new year's day. and each person makes it a different way, but they are ALL good. --suz in NE ohio

  3. hmm.... no I don't. But in Australia BBQs are very popular, and the last couple of years we have been with Spanish friends who do the "12 grapes" tradition at midnight. Have a great 2020 and thank you for visiting my blog last week.

    1. That's interesting...I will have to google the "12 grapes"tradition!

  4. Checking in from Chickamauga, GA where we have black eyed peas, turnip (or collard) greens and ham.

    1. I've heard this a lot. I do like collard greens!

  5. ...we have nothing particular for New Years, sound like there are a lot Germans in your area. Happy New Year.

    1. Yes, Tom, we have a lot of Amish and Dutch in PA.

  6. Hello,
    I remember my Mom making pork and sauerkrat. It was good. Hubby and I like getting the steamed shrimp, it is messing picking off the shells. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  7. Hi Suzy
    Happy New Year!
    My husband is Italian-- he was born in Italy. His family's new year custom is to eat lentils. According to their tradition lentils look like coins, so they feel they bring prosperity. Therefore, I always try to make lentil soup for New Year's Eve or day. We all enjoy them!

    1. Hi Pat~ I don't know that I've ever had lentils!...need to give them a try. Have a blessed year!


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